A simple linear advice to persons of all walks of life, viz focus, discipline, love your work/hobby, and do it for yourself and be happy. Que sera sera - what will be will be.

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hi Ankush, After attempting multiple times I have again started to write. According to you is it better to write on paper or digitally. As I have a mental block and always charmed by physical writing as it helps me to go deep but I find it difficult to sustain. Digital writing is easy but I feel it's difficult to go deep. Please share your thoughts

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Hi Ankur,

Even I do a mix of both, physical an digital.

Maybe your physical writing can be the writing you would like to keep with yourself and the digital writing you can write and share with others.

Thay way you can keep both practices.

The physical writing will also keep you sharp and also serve as a digital detox.

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This is a really beautiful piece, enjoyed the content, and really liked the way of writing

Keep up the great work :)

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Thanks a lot for reading and sharing your views Abhishek!

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Loved reading this letter to your younger self! Having followed your journey of writing, it's been incredible to watch how you've grown through the process - writing is tighter, ideas have so much more clarity and of course, all the professional opportunities that have presented themselves to you because of this commitment. You're a walking reminder of the incredible benefits of writing :)

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Very well gathered thoughts on writing. Excerpts from different sources made the blog even more fun to read. 👌

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Thank you Jai!

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